Programa #902

En la estela del viento

publicado el 28 de septiembre de 2018

A veces la música es 'visionaria'. Visionaria... ¿Qué es eso de 'visionaria'?
Creo que lo entenderéis perfectamente cuando escuchéis el disco que ha marcado una época del programa de hoy.
Un disco que deja estelas en el viento.



Nils Frahm
Solidarity Hymn
Miguel Johnson
Miguel Johnson
Miguel Johnson
David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
Shield Patterns
Meg Bowles
Meg Bowles
Úlfur Eldjárn
Úlfur Eldjárn
Úlfur Eldjárn
Úlfur Eldjárn
Stray Theories
Stray Theories
Stray Theories


Black Star, ©2018 “Cybernetic Dreams“
Buried, ©2018 “Cybernetic Dreams“
Future Tension, ©2018 “Cybernetic Dreams“
Swans are Flying Away (live performance), ©2018 soundcloud
All Melody, ©2018 “All Melody“
For a Wandering Beam of Sun, ©2018 “For a Wandering Beam of Sun“
Colonia, ©2018 “The Explorers“
The Explorers, ©2018 “The Explorers“
Drifting, ©2018 “The Explorers“
Papillon (on the Wings of the Butterfly), ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
Dark Dunes, ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
The Rug Merchant, ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
Firedance, ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
The Southern Cross, ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
Discovery, ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
Through the Gates, ©1991 “In the Wake of the Wind“
Blue Shutters, ©2016 “Mirror Breathing“
Hymnus, ©2018 “Evensong: Canticles for the Earth“
Hymnus, ©2018 “Berceuse for a Star Child“
The Journey Begins, ©2016 “InnSæi - The Sea Within“
World of Sorrow, ©2016 “InnSæi - The Sea Within“
Searching for Answers to Important Questions, ©2016 “InnSæi - The Sea Within“
Listen to Nature, ©2016 “InnSæi - The Sea Within“
Embrace, ©2018 “All That Was Lost“
All Our Tears, ©2018 “All That Was Lost“
Us, ©2018 “All That Was Lost“

selección musical ©2018 Javier Bedoya para


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